Build a Roubo-Style Workbench

Build a Roubo-Style Workbench


A good workbench is at the core of your shop. It's almost indispensable for hand work, and is even valuable for those who work mostly with machines. I've been building benches for almost 35 years. I settled on this design in 2012, and have built a bunch for my shop and have helped dozens of people build theirs. These are the best benches I've used. They are rock solid,  and have amazing work-holding abilities. This is a slight variation on the bench I wrote about for the cover article in Fine Woodworking (Tools and Shop Issue, 2012)

You can size the bench to suit the space you have available (I've built these from  54" to  84" long). You will also have to provide the vise hardware (I highly recommend Benchcrafted vise hardware, which is the best I’ve found). I can't guarantee that you will be able to install other vises in class, but we will do our best.

This Class Will Be Offered On:

Sunday - Saturday, April 14 - 20, 2024, 9AM-5PM

Also offered: Sunday - Saturday, June 23 - 29, 9 AM - 5 PM

PRICE - $1875*

*I will supply carefully milled wood (ash) - price will depend on the length of your bench, but will average $1750. I have found that letting students supply the wood slows down the process so much (we usually have to re-mill in class) that this will not be an option.

Half the price ($937.50) is due with registration. Balance will be due, along with materials fee, at the beginning of the class

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